Site and Water Guidelines

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S.6 Erosion and Sedimentation Control during Construction

Reduce erosion and sedimentation during construction.

Required Performance Criteria
New Buildings Path, Major Renovations Path: For all sites
Plan for and implement Erosion Control Management during construction (per NPDES site permit), until final punchlist that includes:

  1. Leave no soil open for more than 48 hours (for example: use blankets, fences, slope interceptions)
  2. Inspect, repair and cover erosion-damaged areas within 6 hours of every 24 hour storm event that is greater than or equal to 0.75 inches.
  3. Create a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submit it to MPCA and local watershed authority 4 days prior to any and all site disturbance.
  4. Enact a fine structure (with a $1,000 minimum) for all erosion control infractions, to be set and enforced on Contractors by the Owner or Owner’s representative.
  5. Identify and protect all downstream (TMDL) impaired waters from identified impacts. (Examples: mercury, lead, calcium, chromium, copper, chloride, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), phosphorus, biota).
  6. Limit sediment discharge to the most stringent of the following scenarios: a) 5 tons per acre per year using the RUSLE method or other generally accepted soil runoff calculation. or b) where applicable meet the sediment discharge requirements of the watershed district, watershed maintenance organization, joint powers association, or other local governing unit.
  7. Maintain Temporary Erosion Control until the site is vegetated and stormwater infrastructure is fully functional.

Compliance Tools and Resources

  • Best management practices for erosion and sedimentation control by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), MetCouncil, or Local Governing Unit (LGU), whichever is most stringent.
  • MetCouncil Small Sites BMP Manual
  • RUSLE Method (NRCS)
  • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency SWPPP Guidelines
  • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Publication: Minnesota’s Impaired Waters

Related B3 Guidelines Documents

Supplemental Resources

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