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Guideline S.10: Appropriate Location and Development Pattern


To direct development, where appropriate, to existing urban, suburban, or rural areas with in-place infrastructure to reduce development pressure on undeveloped land or greenfield sites; to conserve natural resources, reduce energy use and pollution contributions related to transportation requirements; and to promote a sense of increased community interaction. To encourage development of the site to support existing patterns and goals for local density, open space, and land use.

Recommended Performance Criteria

Guidelines apply to all projects designated New Buildings.

Site Selection:

  1. Select a site, considering the associated building concept, which presents the most comprehensively positive impact for environmental, economic, community, and human benefits.
    1. For urban and suburban locations: Select sites that reuse existing urban/suburban and industrial sites; are located near mass transit and public amenities to encourage walking to services instead of driving; and can utilize existing infrastructure such as utilities, roadways, services, etc. Select sites that support regional development strategies and local comprehensive plans. Favor sites where the project will disrupt the smallest number of ecologically preferable land uses.
    2. For rural locations: Avoid greenfield sites that might not meet the threshold for a potentially critical site under Guideline S.1 , but that negatively impact green space and soil and water conditions. Favor sites on which the project will disrupt the smallest number of ecologically preferable land uses.

Context and Planning Compatible Development:

  1. Land Use: Maintain or improve upon site land use type and condition.
  2. Density: Urban and suburban locations: Maintain or increase localized density to conform to existing or desired density goals as listed in Minnesota’s Community-Based Planning Act.
  3. Open Space: Maintain or increase open space compared to local or prevailing standards for the site.
  4. Green Corridors: Maintain or increase green corridors compared to local or prevailing standards for the site.

Implementation in the Design Process:

In Predesign and early design, seek out and evaluate opportunities to locate development in areas where existing infrastructure will support increased densities and where additional development can improve site use. Work with local government units and community representatives to inventory potential sites that will enhance environmental and economic performance for communities and agencies alike.

Consider choosing to develop a site where community revitalization is occurring, provided the required development density is achieved by the project’s completion. Integrate community feedback into density development proposals, working closely with municipalities to coordinate development efforts. Document these development density goals.

Through the design process maximize use of existing infrastructure and target maximum development densities appropriate to the site.

In the construction documents, construction administration, and project buyout, make bidders aware of specific requirements for sustainable development.


  • S.10A: A narrative of the qualities of the site selected and a comparative evaluation against at least two alternate sites.


  • S.10B: Verification of compliance is done from information collected under S.0: General Site and Water sections documenting improved site land use and condition.
  • S.10C: Baseline localized density goals based on the Minnesota Community-Based Planning Act.
  • S.10D: Local prevailing standard for open space.
  • S.10E: Local prevailing standard for green corridors.

Final Design:

  • S.10B: Information collected in S.0: General Site and Water sections documenting improved site land use and condition.
  • S.10C: Baseline localized density goals based on the Minnesota Community-Based Planning Act and project density as designed.
  • S.10D: Local prevailing standard for open space and quantity of open space as designed.
  • S.10E: Local prevailing standard for green corridors and quantity of green corridors as designed.

Green Corridors: Minnesota DNR Natural Resource Planning:

National Recreation and Park Association:

Minnesota Association of Development Organizations:

Minnesota Community-Based Planning Act: