Indoor Environmental Quality Guidelines

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I.10 View Space and Window Access

Provide interior view space or views to the exterior. The benefits of providing this visual access are the ability for focal rest to avoid eyestrain, and access to visual information about changing outside conditions. A view amenity also aids varying attention cycles and relieves the stress of mental work.

Recommended Performance Criteria
See “Appendix I-10 View Space Diagrams and Tables for I.10” for further illustrations of these criteria.

  1. From every continuously occupied position in spaces there shall be visual access to an external window view that is at least 10 degrees in horizontal and vertical visual angle at no greater than the 50th percentile standing average eye height of 64 inches.
  2. From every assigned and continuously occupied workstation position at seated eye height of 48 inches there shall be visual access to a view space that is at least 20 feet away. The view space shall be at least a continuous 20 degrees horizontal angle beginning at not more than 10 degrees from the centerline of sight. The view space shall also be at lease a continuous 15 degrees vertical view angle beginning at not more than 10 degrees from the horizontal centerline of sight and shall also be above that horizontal centerline. As an alternate to the 20 degree horizontal by 15 degree vertical dimensions of the line of sight, the table “View Space Aperture Approximately Corresponding to a 20 degree Horizontal by 15 degree Vertical View Angle” found in Appendix I-4 may be used.
  3. Higher performance is achievable if views are provided to horizon lines, clouds, tree lines and clusters and natural waterscapes.

Compliance Tools and Resources

  • Appendix I-10 View Space Diagrams and Tables for I.10
  • Calculation from drawings or simulation via analytic software.

Related MSBG Documents

Supplemental Resources

  • Software broadly incorporating view space calculations is embedded in the "Spatialist" program from the School of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
  • Baker, Nick, & Steemers, Koen (2002) Daylight Design of Buildings: A Handbook for Architects and Engineers. James & James, Publishers.
  • Bechtel, Robert B. & Churchman, Azra, (Eds.) (2002) Handbook of Environmental Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, NY.
  • Boff, K. & Lincoln, J. (Eds.) (1988) Engineering Data Compendium: Human Perception and Performance. Harry G. Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio.
  • NASA (1995) Man-System Integration Standards. Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX.
  • Rea, Mark S. (Ed.) (1999) The Iesna Lighting Handbook: Reference & Application. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, NY.
  • Watson, Donald. Crosbie, Michael. Crosbie, Michael J. & Callender, Michael H. (1997.) Time-Saver Standards for Architectural Design Data. McGraw-Hill, NY.
  • Woodson, W. E, Tillman, P. & Tillman, B. (1992) Human Factors Design Handbook, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill, NY.

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