B3 Version 2.2 Guidelines

Performance Management Overview
Performance Management
P.0 Guideline Management
P.1 General Project Data
P.2 Planning for Conservation
P.3 Integrated Design Process
P.4 Design and Construction Commissioning
P.5 Operations Commissioning
P.6 Lowest Life Cycle Cost
Site & Water Overview
Site and Water
S.1 Identification and Avoidance of Critical Sites
S.2 Stormwater Management
S.3 Soil Management
S.4 Sustainable Vegetation Design
S.5 Light Pollution Reduction
S.6 Erosion and Sedimentation Control during Construction
S.7 Landscape Water Efficiency
S.8 Building Water Efficiency
S.9 Appropriate Location and Development Pattern
S.10 Brownfield Redevelopment
S.11 Heat Island Reduction
S.12 Transportation Impacts Reduction
S.13 Wastewater Management
S.14 Bird-Safe Building
Energy & Atmosphere Overview
Energy and Atmosphere
E.1 Energy Efficiency
E.2 Renewable Energy
E.3 Efficient Equipment and Appliances
E.4 Atmospheric Protection
Indoor Environmental Quality Overview
Indoor Environmental Quality
I.1 Restrict Environmental Tobacco Smoke
I.2 Specify Low-emitting Materials
I.3 Moisture Control
I.4 Ventilation Design
I.5 Thermal Comfort
I.6 Quality Lighting
I.7 Effective Acoustics
I.8 Reduce Vibration in Buildings
I.9 Daylight
I.10 View Space and Window Access
I.11 Personal Control of IEQ Conditions and Impacts
I.12 Encourage Healthful Physical Activity
Materials & Waste Overview
Materials and Waste
M.1 Life Cycle Assessment of Building Assemblies
M.2 Environmentally Preferable Materials
M.3 Waste Reduction and Management