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Determining which B3 Guidelines Version to Use

If the B3 Guidelines are applicable to a project (or the guidelines are being used on a voluntary basis) check below to see which version of the guidelines applies. Projects are allowed to use a later version of the B3 Guidelines. This is sometimes advantageous, particularly as most updates are provided for clarification rather than performance requirement changes.

For New Construction and Major Renovations Path:
The B3 Guidelines are required for projects funded directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from Minnesota bond monies after January 1, 2009.

Projects beginning predesign or enrolled in the B3 Guidelines Tracking Tool on or after January 1, 2020 and prior to the release of subsequent versions are required to use Version 3.2 of the B3 Guidelines. Version 3.2 contains substantial revisions to the Energy and Atmosphere Guideline Section.

Projects beginning predesign or enrolled in the B3 Guidelines Tracking Tool on or after January 1, 2019 and before January 1, 2020 version are required to use Version 3.1 of the B3 Guidelines. Version 3.1 contains substantial revisions to the Site and Water and Indoor Environmental Quality Guideline Sections.

Projects beginning the Schematic Design phase on or after July 1, 2017 and before January 1, 2019 are required to use Version 3.0 of the B3 Guidelines. Projects beginning Schematic Design on or after May 1, 2013 and before July 1, 2017 are required to use Version 2.2 of the guidelines, though projects may elect to use version 3.0.

Projects beginning Schematic Design phase before May 1, 2013 are permitted to use Version 2.1 of the guidelines. Exceptions are allowed if a Major Renovation project has completed Design Development Phase before February 23, 2009 (when the guidelines for Major Renovations were released), and which received new or additional bond funding after January 1, 2009.

New Construction Projects that have submitted a B3 Guidelines Schematic Design or later phase B3 Guidelines (B3-MSBG) tracking report (spreadsheet version) by December 31, 2009 may continue with their current version of the guidelines. Other projects beginning Schematic Design phase before May 1, 2013 are allowed to use Version 2.1.

While a team may not know if a project will receive bond funds in the future, any project team that believes that bond funds may be applied for later should be following B3 Guidelines as many requirements are easier to incorporate in early phases. Projects in Predesign, Site Selection, and earlier phases should be considering B3 Guidelines if they expect to apply for bond funds. Also see the State of Minnesota PreDesign Manual for reference.

There is also a separately legislated requirement that all bond-funded projects meet MN Sustainable Building 2030 Energy Requirements if they have not already started the Schematic Design Phase on August 1, 2009. B3 Guidelines Version 2.1 and later incorporates the SB 2030 energy requirement for those projects, but also allows older projects to use the former B3 Guidelines energy requirements. This allows projects to upgrade to the more fully featured Version 2.1 and 2.2 independent of whether or not they are subject to SB 2030.

The B3-State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (B3 Guidelines, formerly B3-MSBG) are created and led by the Center for Sustainable Building Research at the University of Minnesota in collaboration with LHB Inc., and The Weidt Group for the State of Minnesota Department of Commerce and Department of Administration.

For questions and assistance regarding your project, compliance, the B3 Guidelines Tracking Tool and other technical and application support, please contact Pat Smith at 612-626-9709 or at

Older Versions of the Guidelines:

B3 Guidelines Version 2.2 was the active version for New Construction and Major Renovation projects beginning Schematic Design on or after May 1, 2013 and before July 1, 2017. Version 2.2 can be accessed here:

B3-MSBG Version 2.1 was the active version for New Construction projects beginning their Schematic Design prior to May 1, 2013. Version 2.1 is available here: B3 Guidelines Version 2.1

B3-MSBG Version 2.0 was the active version for New Construction projects receiving bond money from 2006 to 2009. Version 2.0 is available here: B3 Guidelines Version 2.0

B3-MSBG Version 1.1 was the active version for New Construction projects receiving bond money from 2004 to 2006. Version 1.1 is available here: B3 Guidelines Version 1.1