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Require a minimal use of on-site renewable energy, and encourage the broader consideration and use of renewable energy sources and cleaner forms of hydrogen and hydrocarbon-based distributed generation systems to reduce atmospheric pollution. This can provide a stimulus to the State's economy through investments in local jobs and materials while reducing the State's expenditures on imported fuel and power. The language of this guideline is intended to align with Minnesota legislation that requires and economic analysis of onsite solar-and-wind-derived renewable energy systems sufficient to offset 2% of predicted energy demand (MN Statute §16B.32, Subd 1a). This legislation requires the installation of such systems unless explicit reasons are provided that rule out installation.
Required Performance Criteria
This is required for new buildings, and recommended for Major Renovations.
Eligible Wind and Solar Renewable Sources may include:
During Predesign, “a new building must consider meeting at least two percent of the energy needs of the building from renewable sources located on the building site. For purposes of this subdivision, "renewable sources" are limited to wind and the sun. The predesign must include an explicit cost and price analysis of complying with the two-percent requirement compared with the present and future costs of energy supplied by a public utility from a location away from the building site and the present and future costs of controlling carbon emissions. If the analysis concludes that the building should not meet at least two-percent of its energy needs from renewable sources located on the building site, the analysis must provide explicit reasons why not.“ Note that this text aligns with referenced legislation applying to state agencies, but is applied to all bonded projects subject to B3 here. Also see source legislation for more details
During the Schematic Design phase, analyze at least two scenarios that include the environmental and economic impacts of supplying two percent of the building's anticipated total energy use with on-site renewable generation systems. Enter results in the B3 Guidelines Tracking Tool and incorporate at least 2% renewable into the project planning. The evaluation is limited to “renewable sources” as defined by the legislation, which limits the definition to solar and wind power. Since renewable percent is to be calculated on final compliant energy use, not baseline use, make use of 2030 benchmarks for building to set 2% renewable benchmarks accordingly early in project.
During the Design Development phase, update and complete the analysis of the two scenarios in the B3 Guidelines Tracking Tool and refine the inclusion of at least 2% renewable into the project planning documents.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute §16B.323, the project may, after the completion of a cost-benefit analysis, include installation of “Made in Minnesota” solar energy systems of 40 kilowatts capacity on, adjacent, or in proximity to the state funded building. The capacity of a solar system must be less than 40 kilowatts to the extent necessary to match the electrical load of the building or to the extent necessary to keep the costs for the installation below five percent of the appropriations from the bond proceeds fund for the construction or renovation of the state building. Purchase and installation of a solar thermal system may account for no more than 25 percent of the cost of a solar system installation. See the full legislation for complete requirements.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute §16B.326, when practicable, geothermal and solar thermal heating and cooling systems must be considered when designing, planning, or letting bids for necessary replacement or initial installation of cooling or heating systems in new or existing buildings that are constructed or maintained with state funds. The predesign review must include a written plan for compliance with this section from a project proposer. For the purposes of this section, "solar thermal" means a flat plate or evacuated tube with a fixed orientation that collects the sun's radiant energy and transfers it to a storage medium for distribution as energy for heating and cooling. See the full legislation for complete requirements.
Recommended Performance Criteria
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