Performance Management Guidelines
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P.5 Operations Commissioning
Ensure (verify) the building is operated to meet the design intent as represented in contract documents (which includes meeting performance criteria of the Agency, including B3 Guidelines.)
Required Performance Criteria
- Develop and implement an Operations Management Plan for the project. At a minimum, the Operations Management Plan must include the elements listed in Appendix P-5a Operations Commissioning Supporting Information and Appendix P-5b Operations Commissioning Matrix.
- Implement Operations and Maintenance Practices and annual evaluation according to the component of the Operations Management Plan.
- Conduct at least two post-occupancy evaluations of the project. It is recommended that these occur at 9 and 18 months post-occupancy.
- "Scan" level post-occupancy evaluations are required for available space types, this process supported by the B3 Post-Occupancy Evaluation (B3 POE) process.
- Buildings with no supported space types at 6 months post-occupancy (3 months prior to the first POE) are exempt from this requirement. Projects may also be exempt if they do not meet the minimum required number of occupants or residents; more details are available at the B3 POE website.
Recommended Performance Criteria
Incorporate the following issues into the Operations Management Plan for the following additional areas of building performance over time.
- Vibrations, acoustics, and noise verification
- Access to daylight
- View space and window access evaluation
- Personal control of IEQ conditions and impacts
- Opportunities and encouragement for healthful physical activity
- Materials measurement and verification
- Additional User Comfort and Satisfaction Assessment surveys as an indicator of ongoing IEQ performance (after those required as part of P.5.C.)
- Perform Systems Recommissioning: At least annually or in response to events or triggers at the discretion of owner.
- Reserve 0.25% of total construction cost for contingency in order to meet the SB2030 Energy Standard in Operations. As compliance with the SB2030 program is required through 10 years of operation, 0.25% of total construction cost is recommended to be set aside for efforts related to evaluating and remediating non-compliance SB2030 projects. This budget includes professional services over and above the services originally contacted for and additional construction costs that may be incurred to meet the SB2030 Energy Standard.
Related B3 Guidelines Documents
Measurement and Verification
- Efficiency Valuation Organization : (Formerly US DOE's International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol)
- Volume I - Concepts and Options for Determining Savings
- Volume II -Concepts and Practices for Improving Indoor Environmental Quality Volume III - Applications
Indoor Air Quality Operations, Measurement and Verification
Supplemental Resources
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