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Welcome to the B3 Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) Web Site

The B3 post-occupancy evaluation (POEs) measures occupants’ satisfaction with the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of their physical environments. If your building is enrolled in the B3 Guidelines project tracking, you are required to complete a post-occupancy evaluation (POE). Researchers with the College of Design and Center for Sustainable Building Research have developed an online POE survey (called the Sustainable Post-Occupancy Evaluation Survey—SPOES) that is free for use with B3 buildings. And, we do it for you!

When your building has been occupied for about 9 months (longer is fine—it just can’t be sooner), it’s time to do the POE! Please contact us (poe@b3mn.org), and we’ll get started. Reading through the rest of the SPOES information will be helpful to understand our data collection, analysis, and reporting process.

The SPOES team works with a site survey coordinator—an individual appointed by you—to send the online survey to building occupants. We do the rest! The research team collects the data, analyzes the results, and provides a summary report to project stakeholders. The final report is also published on the online B3 Case Studies Database along with other building performance data.

SPOES is aimed at demonstrating real outcomes from sustainable design guidelines. We ask occupants questions about their satisfaction with the IEQ categories regulated by the B3 guidelines. Additional questions are included about their demographics, type of workspace, commuting behaviors, and physical activity. See About the Sustainable Post-Occupancy Evaluation Survey (SPOES) for a more detailed explanation.

One assessment is required. Buildings may be exempt from the SPOES process if they have a small number of occupants or are a building type for which we have not yet developed a survey.

Analysis of the results informs business and building owners, architects, interior designers, and facility managers about how satisfied occupants are with the interior environment of the building and serves as a diagnostic tool if problems exist.

B3 Buildings use the SPOES

This online survey takes occupants approximately 10 minutes to complete. It has been developed to:

  • Meet B3 Guidelines requirement (FREE administration and analysis for B3 buildings)
  • Examine occupants’ satisfaction with the IEQ criteria in their physical environments
  • Generate an IEQ Score of occupants’ satisfaction
  • Measure “vital signs” of the building’s IEQ based on occupants’ perceptions
  • Direct attention to areas of success or those needing improvement
  • Compare IEQ of building to benchmarks

The SPOES is required and is free to B3 buildings. It is administered and analyzed by B3 staff.