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Materials & Waste


To reduce the embodied environmental impact and toxicity in building materials.

Materials and WasteNew BuildingsMajor Renovations
M.1 Life Cycle Assessment of MaterialsRequiredRequired (Partial - See Guideline)
M.2 Environmentally Preferable MaterialsRequiredRequired
M.3 Waste Reduction and ManagementRequiredRequired
M.4 HealthRequiredRequired


Which products relate to which guidelines?

Different products contribute to compliance in different guideline categories. The table below lists which guidelines are related to only interior materials and which guidelines may be met using any product selected for the project. This includes Guideline I.1 as it relates to product selection.

I.1: Low Emitting MaterialsM.1B: Product Life Cycle AssessmentsM.1: Environmentally Preferable MaterialsM.4: Health
Interior Materials (see definition under I.1)All interior materials in project must comply with I.110 materials required (if one of most common it may be double counted)
Any Materials in Project5 materials required, may be any used in project55% of all materials are required, some may contribute in multiple categories, so actual % of contributing materials may be lower

General Material Information

The following information is collected in the Materials section of the B3 Guidelines Tracking Tool, under Section M.0:

Final Design:

  • Material strategies used, including narrative.