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To enable and encourage a transition to lower-carbon transportation infrastructure.
Required Performance Criteria
- For projects designated New Construction and Major Renovations that include new or renovated parking areas as part of the project, provide Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) infrastructure to permit future electric vehicle charge stations based on the number of long-term parking spaces. Long-term parking is defined here as parking spaces where typical users are expected to stay more than four hours; short-term parking is defined as parking spaces where typical users are expected to stay for fewer than four hours.
- If the project includes five or fewer total long-term parking spaces, EVSE infrastructure must be provided for at least one space.
- If the project includes between five and 50 long-term parking spaces, EVSE infrastructure must be provided for at least 20% of long-term parking spaces.
- If the project includes more than 50 long-term parking spaces, EVSE infrastructure must be provided for 10 spaces plus additional spaces equal to 10% of the number of long-term spaces above of 50.
EVSE infrastructure shall be sufficient to support “Level 2” or higher charging technology. EVSE infrastructure shall consist of:
- Dedicated space for future electrical distribution equipment to support EVSE.
- Raceway or equivalent distribution capacity of at least 1 inch diameter, connecting each future EVSE parking space to dedicated electrical distribution location.
Accessible parking spaces shall be given consideration when determining access to charging equipment. Projects designated Major Renovations that do not disturb parking surfaces, modify electric distribution to parking areas, or modify electrical equipment in walls or other assemblies adjacent to parking areas may be exempted from this requirement. One DC-fast charging EVSE (including full installation of the equipment) can be used in place of five Level 2 EVSE-ready spaces. If used to replace Level 2 EVSE spaces, this DC-fast charging option shall be installed in short-term parking areas, if such areas are included in the project.
Recommended Performance Criteria
- For New Construction and Major Renovation projects, provide EVSE infrastructure for future electric vehicle charging for all of parking areas included in the project. EVSE infrastructure shall consist of the elements outlined under E.5A.
- Install EVSE for at least 10% of all spaces. EVSE must be at least Level 2 to meet this guideline.
- Install sufficient renewable energy capacity to supply EVSE by installing or enlarging an onsite or on-campus system or by installing additional solar canopy in parking areas. Note that meeting this recommended guideline requires renewable energy capacity in addition to the renewable energy requirements of other guidelines.