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Guideline I.6: Effective Acoustics
To promote productive, supportive, and comfortable acoustic environments for all occupants and to control unwanted noise. Effective acoustics enable effective speech communications at normal speaking voice while providing for local speech privacy.
Required Performance Criteria
Guidelines apply to all New Construction projects and for Major Renovations that include replacement or construction of relevant assemblies.
- Newly constructed and renovated classrooms and other education facilities, including both spaces classified as occupancy group[1] E and other learning spaces and facilities for students above the 12th grade must follow ANSI S12.60–2010 Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools, Part 1: Permanent Schools.
- Exterior-source noise control: All buildings or spaces not covered under I.6A must meet at least one of the following:
- A-weighted exterior-source background noise in regularly occupied spaces of the building shall be no greater than 45dBA, as evaluated after construction but prior to occupancy and tested per Annex A of ANSI S12.60–2010 Part 1.
- Average Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) rating of facades and roof assemblies shall be at least 30, or at least 40 for sites with identified risk of significant exterior-source noise. These sites include:
- Sites within mapped 60 dBA Day-Night Level (DNL) area for airports listed below.
- Sites with an identified A-weighted outdoor noise level of 65dBA or greater as surveyed during planned occupied times and evaluated as equivalent energy level (Leq) for a period of one hour during loudest time of the day.
- If the project includes residential use and the site has a DNL or Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of 45dBA or greater.
- Internal-source noise control: For buildings or spaces not covered under I.6A: Meet all of the following:[1]
- Air-distributed noise level from mechanical system must not exceed the following Noise Criteria (NC) levels, as estimated through the most current version of HVAC Applications HVAC Handbook, Chapter 48, Noise and Vibration Control; Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) Standard 885-2008 methodology; or ANSI S12-60 Part 1 Annex A.1.
- Gymnasia, circulation spaces, lobbies, service areas, and sports facilities with or without seating areas: maximum of NC 45.
- Meeting, lecture halls not part of occupancy type E, offices of less than 300 sq. ft., and conference rooms: maximum of NC 35.
- All other spaces: maximum of NC 40.
- Reduce interior noise transfer through the following:
- Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies between occupancies achieves a Sound Transmission Class (STC) of at least that listed in the table below. If Apparent Sound Transmission Class (ASTC) ratings are used, subtract 5 from the listed STC minimums to determine ASTC minimums. If Normalized Noise Isolation Class (NNIC) is used for field verification, subtract 3 from the listed STC minimums.
Note that Group E occupancies are covered under I.6A above.A B F I M R A 60 60 60 60 60 60 B 60 50 60 50 50 50 F 60 60 60 60 60 60 I 60 50 60 50 50 50 M 60 50 60 50 50 50 R 60 50 60 50 50 50 - Assemblies adjacent to circulation spaces may reduce the STC requirements by 5. Spaces not regularly occupied are exempt from this requirement.
- Adjacent regularly occupied spaces within occupancies shall meet the following minimums:
A 55 B 45 F 50 I 45 M 45 R 45 - Impact Isolation Class (IIC) of floor and ceiling assemblies separating sleeping areas or dwelling units from other sleeping areas or dwelling units or other occupancies is at least 50. Assemblies separating sleeping areas or dwelling units from storage, including Group A-4 and Group S are exempt from this requirement.
- Ensure the following are included in the design and verified during construction:
- Walls continue and are sealed to bottom of floor/ceiling structure for those assemblies serving as acoustic barriers
- Other penetrations of intended sound barriers are limited.
- Consideration of other equipment or noise that will be present in the space and will be active during occupied hours. Consider separation of equipment likely to interfere with productive and comfortable acoustic environments.
- Ensure that wall, floor/ceiling assemblies separating mechanical rooms from other areas of the building achieve at least an STC rating of 50. If the mechanical space includes a generator, compressor, or other similar noise source, achieve an STC of at least 60 in surrounding wall and floor/ceiling assemblies. Ensure that mechanical equipment is adequately isolated to limit structure-borne sound and vibration transmission. Ensure that plumbing equipment has been adequately isolated from spaces to prevent noise transmission and noise production.
- Wall and floor/ceiling assemblies between occupancies achieves a Sound Transmission Class (STC) of at least that listed in the table below. If Apparent Sound Transmission Class (ASTC) ratings are used, subtract 5 from the listed STC minimums to determine ASTC minimums. If Normalized Noise Isolation Class (NNIC) is used for field verification, subtract 3 from the listed STC minimums.
- Room acoustics: All regularly occupied spaces must meet one of the three paths listed below subject to the noted exceptions:
- Calculated reverberation time as evaluated for the 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz octave bands must be no less than 0.2 seconds and no greater than 0.7 seconds. This calculation may include furnishings if included in the project.
- The average area-weighted noise-reduction coefficient (NRC) of all of the interior surface materials or assemblies of the space is greater than 0.45. This calculation may include furnishings if included in the project.
- The average area-weighted NRC of all of the interior surface materials or assemblies of the space is greater than 0.35 for spaces with volumes less than 30,000 cu. ft. This calculation may include furnishings if included in the project.
- Concert halls or other music performance auditoria, laboratory spaces, aquatic facilities, and gymnasia are exempt from this requirement.
- Open-office floor plans may have a reverberation time of up to 0.8 seconds or an area-weighted NRC as low as 0.30.
- Air-distributed noise level from mechanical system must not exceed the following Noise Criteria (NC) levels, as estimated through the most current version of HVAC Applications HVAC Handbook, Chapter 48, Noise and Vibration Control; Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) Standard 885-2008 methodology; or ANSI S12-60 Part 1 Annex A.1.
- Adequate acoustic conditions of gathering spaces and accommodation for hard-of-hearing: This is coordinated with Minnesota Statute §16C.054. For all spaces which accommodate and are intended for gatherings of 15 or more people and where audible communications is integral to the use of the space:
- Include audio-induction loops to provide an electromagnetic signal for hearing aids and cochlear implants if a permanent audio amplification system is present in the space.
- The space must meet the American National Standards Institute Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements and Guidelines for Schools for:
- Maximum background noise
- Reverberation times
- Implement sound masking if any of the following condition are met:[1]
- Internal-source noise control: Projects which are not compliant with I.6A, I.6B, or I.6C where other sound-privacy measures have not been met. It is not necessary or advisable to implement sound masking in all spaces not compliant with listed guidelines, though should be implemented in non-compliant open-plan office areas, libraries, and other areas where the need for speech privacy and masking exceeds the need for speech intelligibility.
- Spaces which have been identified as requiring additional sound privacy, or where the productivity benefits of sound masking are desired in areas that are anticipated to be over-quiet.
Sound masking system should not exceed 45dBA and should be broad spectrum.
Recommended Performance Criteria
- Confirm performance under I.6A for educational facilities by performing noise measurement as outlined under ANSI/ASA S.12.60-2010 Annex A.
- Articulation Index (AI) must be less than 0.30 for open offices, where speech privacy is desired, and greater than 0.70 for enclosed offices or other spaces where a high level of speech intelligibility is desired. Compliance with this requirement involves:
- Identification of at least two areas of indented speech privacy and areas of desired communicability.
- Documentation that the design meets the AI for these identified spaces.