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Guideline S.3 Soil
To ensure the maintenance and restoration of healthy soils by documenting existing soil conditions, preserving and protecting benefits of existing soil, minimizing the impacts of construction, repairing soils to return to supportive conditions, and documenting soil maintenance practices to ensure ongoing optimal soil conditions.
Required Performance Criteria
Guidelines apply to all projects designated New Buildings and Major Renovations with site work site scope that includes an area of site disturbance that is greater than 3,000 s.f..
- The soil conditions of the non-building area of the project site shall reference data from the NRCS WSS (nrcs.usda.gov) and shall be described. This description must include:
- A Site Soil Inventory Map (SSIM).
- A listing of which of the eight soil orders, 1,000 soil series, and seven slope classes that occur in Minnesota are present on the subject site based on the NRCS WSS.
- A listing of any soil limiting constraints for organic, wetland, or expansive clay soil’s (shrink/swell) for the proposed project site uses.
- A listing of which of the three stages (as defined by this B3 Guideline) currently apply to the state of the project site’s soils: natural, agricultural, or urban.
- A determination of whether the project is considered a greenfield (see definition below).
- A listing of specialized DNR defined native plant communities (NPCs).
- A mapping of any naturally occurring atypical soils (see definition below)
- Results from soil testing, at a minimum using the following rates for the following human soil stages: Natural: two soil tests per acre; Agricultural: three soil tests per acre; Urban: four soil tests per acre. Testing must be performed prior to construction and is recommended to be included in the geotechnical report. Additional testing at three and ten years after construction is recommended.
- For projects developing on a greenfield site, the following should be submitted:
- A written rationale of the need to develop a greenfield site rather than a previously developed site.
- A plan for minimizing the disruption of existing, native, noninvasive vegetation.
- Soil disturbance defined as grading, compacting, piling, tilling, scraping, storing, should be limited and the removal of soil within natural and agricultural human soil development spectrum areas should be ensured by the following and included in the Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan (SWPPP) for the project:
- Protecting intact soil with intact soil horizons using Site Soil Protection Zones (SSPZ); delineating exclusion barriers for these areas to ensure soil protection during construction.
- Soil in the following areas should not be disturbed:
- 40 ft. beyond the building perimeter.
- 15 ft. beyond the primary roadway curbs, parking lots, main utility branch trenches, or impervious areas.
- 5 ft. beyond walkways.
- Any area under or closer than 1 ft. of tree driplines per 1 in. of diameter at breast height (DBH) trunk diameter (e.g., 12-in. DBH will require tree protection fence at least 12 ft. from the trunk).
- Areas within any identified stormwater management features.
- Retaining walls within these areas may be employed as needed to maintain necessary grades.
- Trees shall be protected as individuals with the tree protection fence located outside the drip line, as defined above in C.2.iv, prior to site activities. Trees may be protected as groups if their canopies are within 10 ft. of each other, with tree fence protection zone distances as defined above in C.2.iv.
- Soil management and erosion control plans should be created and implemented to protect the soil profile of the current site before, during, and after construction.
- The bulk density of all unpaved pervious surfaces intended for seeding and planting shall have the following maximum bulk densities:
- Clays and Silts: 1.25 g/cm3
- Loams: 1.40 g/cm3
- Sands: 1.60 g/cm3
- A 50-ft. minimum of perennially rooted vegetated buffer for delineated wetland boundaries shall be maintained, established, or enhanced.
- Topsoil from the project site shall not be sold or exported until all landscaped areas (tree, shrub, perennial, annual, or lawn plantings) have received an average 12-in. deep respread using soil from the project site. Existing site topsoil shall be stockpiled and protected, or topsoil should be imported for an average respread depth of 12 in. in all proposed planting and seeding areas. No topsoil should be screened with less than a 3-in. screen. Minimum respread depth is not required for green roofs.
- At least 3.5% organic material by soil weight should be achieved in planting and seeding areas by adding sufficient organic matter to soil below this threshold.
- If urban soils are present, in-site landscaped areas soil should be amended to mimic the physical and biological capabilities of natural and agricultural soils to achieve the following metrics:
- Soil texture: Determine which of the 12 soil classes are present on the site.
- A pH between 4.5 and 8.5.
- Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium (NPK) fertility greater than medium, as tested by University of Minnesota Soil Testing Laboratory “Lawn, Garden, and Landscape” Soil Analysis Request Sheet.
- Meeting the following bulk density requirements for the listed soil types:
- Organics: less than 1.0 g/cm3
- Clays: less than 1.25 g/cm3
- Loams: less than 1.4 g/cm3
- Silts: less than 1.25 g/cm3
- Sands: less than 1.6 g/cm3
- Organic matter content should achieve a minimum of 3.5% by weight through the incorporation of Class A Biosolids, US Compost Council Certified Compost, and activated biochar (as defined in this B3 Guideline) in the following depths for the following soils:
- Predevelopment: incorporated (e.g., V-ripper or Paraplow) into site soils to a minimum depth of 24 in.
- Postdevelopment: incorporated (e.g., V-ripper or Paraplow) into site soils to a minimum depth of 12 in.
- Minor Modification Amendments: applied as topdressing or incorporated into site soils to a minimum 6-in. depth.
- Soil should be modified to achieve the following NRCS infiltration rate for the following conditions:
- Natural stage soils improved to have a higher infiltration rate than Group A.
- Agricultural stage soils improved to have a higher infiltration rate than Group B.
- Urban stage soils improved to have a higher infiltration rate than Group C.
- Stormwater infiltration stage soils improved to have a higher infiltration rate than Group A.
- A cation exchange capacity (CEC) of at least 15 should be achieved.
- A base saturation percentage of at least 30% should be achieved.
- A mycorrhizae count of at least two Glomus species per ounce of soil should be achieved.
- Atypical soils: If the project has atypical soils or substrates for a specialized NPC, these shall be preserved in the landscaped areas of the site according to the following:
- All naturally occurring atypical soils of an area greater than 5,000 sq. ft. shall be preserved as required to support NPCs in seeps, fens, bogs, bedrock outcrops, sand blow-outs and sand dunes (as defined by DNR Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program), Spodosols, Histosols, Psamment, Entisols, and Sodic soils.
- The boundaries of these atypical soils and substrates should be field mapped, marked, and delineated with visible flagging on project site. This NPC delineation prohibits entry of any vehicles with tires before, during, or post construction. These soils or substrates should not be disturbed, buried, blasted, or removed from their original location onsite.
- Minnesota Biological Survey staff of the DNR should be consulted to create and execute the following:
- A specialized, NPC planting plan with a conservation status rank (S-ranks) of S1 or S2 that most appropriately matches the site’s atypical soils and substrates.
- Guidance on site preparation (weed and erosion control), site drainage, and revegetation (seeding, planting, etc.), and long-term maintenance (fire management, weed control, etc.) for that specialized NPC.
- Operations and maintenance plan to ensure that this restored vegetation and naturally occurring atypical soil is rigorously protected and maintained.
- Upon complete installation of this specialized NPC, a perimeter exclusion fence should be installed with one permanent, outdoor sign (dimensions at least 24 in. x 36 in.) interpreting the specialized NPC using Tilden’s 5 Principles of Interpretation.
- The soil conditions of the non-building area of the project site shall reference data from the NRCS WSS (nrcs.usda.gov) and shall be described. This description must include:
Note: Specialized planting areas may count against local open space ordinances at a 3:1 ratio (i.e., 1 sq. ft. of specialized, NPC will equal 3 sq. ft. of local open space). Also note that other vegetation requirements are listed under S.1 and S.4.
Recommended Performance Criteria
- If the soils are NRCS-defined udorthents or udipsamments, then the results of a Modified Philip-Dunn Infiltrometer measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity with at least four tests taken per acre should be included in the descriptions of the site soils.
- A CEC of more than 15 should be maintained.
- A pH factor of the soil between 5.5 to 8.5 pH should be maintained.